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Contractor Sales Class

          Whats Included?
Lunch Is Included For Each Attendee
      Enjoy a great meal for lunch.

Training Manual Included 
      Yours to review & keep forever.

Retail & Insurance Sales Techniques              
      Offer more options for your prospect.

How to CLOSE MORE PROJECTS without being pushy         
      Low pressure means better a experience.

Self Generating Leads 
      Find more deals than you'll have time to close.

10 Reasons Construction Sales Are Lost                        
      Minimize lost sales on valuable appointments.

The Drone Pitch 
      Use the drone as a sales tool.

3 Step Professional Presentation 
      Keeps the rep & the prospect on track during the 24 MINUTE                PRESENTATION.

Door Knocking Techniques 
      Cherry pick which deal to close next.

Creative Ways To Follow Up 
      The prospect's won't know the rep is following up.

Handling ALL Construction Sales Objections              
      Never get stumped again.

6 Step Sales Process 
      A guide to follow on each sales appointment.

The 21 Second Door Knock Pitch 
       Keep it short and tight.

        Who is this for?
✅ Construction Company Owners/Executives

✅ Sales Reps

✅ Sales Managers

✅ Project Managers

✅ Production Managers

✅ Estimating/Supplementing Staff

✅ Building and General Contractors & Staff

✅ Adjusters & Staff

✅ Anyone looking for a new career in the 
       lucrative Construction Sales Industry!

"You're the man! I'm better at your system than my own!"
Nic Nappier 
Founder of Shingle Tech
"He gave me real, one on one attention on how to handle objections!"
Tony Amato
Owner of Amato Roofing 
All Rights Reserved. Master Closer Society, LLC.

Contractor Sales Class

What's Included?

Lunch Is Included For Each                        Attendee
      Enjoy a great meal for lunch.

Training Manual Included 
      Yours to review & keep forever.

Retail & Insurance Sales                              Techniques              
      Offer more options for your                          prospect.

How to CLOSE MORE PROJECTS              without being pushy         
      Low pressure means a better                      experience.

Self Generating Leads 
      Find more deals than you'll have              time to close.

10 Reasons Construction Sales 
      Are Lost                
      Minimize lost sales on valuable                  appointments.

The Drone Pitch 
      Use the drone as a sales tool.

3 Step Professional Presentation 
      Keeps the rep & the prospect on                track during the 24 MINUTE                          PRESENTATION.

Door Knocking Techniques 
      Cherry pick which deal to close next.

Creative Ways To Follow Up 
      The prospect's won't know the rep           is following up.

Handle ALL Construction 
      Sales Objections          
      Never get stumped again.

6 Step Sales Process 
      A guide to follow on each sales                  appointment.

The 21 Second Door Knock Pitch 
       Keep it short and tight. 

Who's this for?

✅ Construction Company Owners &          Executives

✅ Sales Reps

✅ Sales Managers

✅ Project Managers

✅ Production Managers

✅ Estimating/Supplementing Staff

✅ Building and General Contractors          & Staff

✅ Adjusters & Staff

✅ Anyone looking for a new career            in the lucrative Construction 
      Sales Industry! 
You're the man!
I'm better at your system than my own!

-Nic Nappier, Founder of Shingle Tech Inc.

You spent one on one attention with me on roof sales objections! I love it!

-Tony Amato, CEO Amato Roofing.

All Rights Reserved. Master Closer Society, LLC.
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